Ellie and Aunt Mary
Jeff as the entertainment for the kids - nice face Ellie!

Ellie starting to wonder what the heck is happening to her daddy.
Ellie and her cousin Cameron (I'll say her cousin but that's not accurate).
Ellie was very nice and shared her walker with the other kids.
Ellie and her cousin Benjamin.
(Children of Jeff's nieces Megan and Jenny)
Ellie amazingly eating a cracker - the child HATES food, other than her bottle. She actually makes herself vomit but this is looking good!
And I spoke too soon - YUCK! What is that thing?
And one last picture - Ellie going up the stairs at Grandma Shirley's house, she flew right up them, going down was a different story. The girl has speed!
And I think that about takes care of Christmas pictures...it's only February 15th - I consider that timely!
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