February 25, 2010
My baby...
From this (February 25, 2009):
To this (February 2010):
Today is Ellie's Birthday - she is officially 1 year old today - where did that year go?
Here are a few stats:
Born: Today:
6 pounds 8 ounces 19 pounds fully dressed
No teeth 7 teeth
Stays where you put her Literally runs circles around you
Never got into anything Has to check EVERYTHING out
Would sorta break a smile Laughs and giggles
Random note:
Last night when Ellie and I got home I decided the kitchen floor needed wiped down (or up?) so as I was scrubbing the floor I must've looked like a plumber because I hear Ellie laughing pretty uncontrollably and then she started slapping and drumming on my...well...plumbers crack....
She is smart and funny beyond her one year :)
February 16, 2010
February 15, 2010
Hey People...
I've got teeth - SEE!
Yep this is old but I just ran across it.
7 teeth and counting, have had a dry spell though, no new ones since Thanksgiving.
Christmas with the White's!
Ellie and Aunt Mary
Jeff as the entertainment for the kids - nice face Ellie!

Ellie starting to wonder what the heck is happening to her daddy.
Ellie and her cousin Cameron (I'll say her cousin but that's not accurate).
Ellie was very nice and shared her walker with the other kids.
Ellie and her cousin Benjamin.
(Children of Jeff's nieces Megan and Jenny)
Ellie amazingly eating a cracker - the child HATES food, other than her bottle. She actually makes herself vomit but this is looking good!
And I spoke too soon - YUCK! What is that thing?
And one last picture - Ellie going up the stairs at Grandma Shirley's house, she flew right up them, going down was a different story. The girl has speed!
And I think that about takes care of Christmas pictures...it's only February 15th - I consider that timely!
February 9, 2010
My Husband
So awhile back I was telling Jeff how there are very few pictures of Ellie and I. From August through the middle of November I don't believe Ellie and I had any pictures together. We now have Thanksgiving pictures, Christmas pictures and this lovely picture of Ellie and I passed out. Seriously, this is the best he could do??? Ahhh husbands.
February 3, 2010
She still loves the Radio Flyer - it's even better when mom and dad go on opposite ends of the living room and push her back and forth, yes while standing up as pictured - a little dangerous but she likes danger!!
(Last night she wanted to see what dad was doing and couldn't see over the arm of the sofa so she proceeded to stand on a cylinder container and hoist herself up - didn't seem to bother her that it rolled away right out from under her feet)
And more Christmas...
The fam!
Going for the ornaments.
Ellie and Aunt Steph - hard to tell what Ellie is up to.
Christmas Eve with Uncle Jon although she was really past the point of enjoying having her picture taken.
Christmas morning with Grandma.
Turtle for her bath toys. Yes, she is kissing it.
Going in for another kiss or in Ellie's case slobbering all over.
Very excited about the paino - she LOVES music!
Back to Christmas!
Ellie received two Radio Flyer "wagons" for Christmas - one from each grandma. Before heading out of town for Christmas Jeff and Ellie worked on putting the one staying at our house together. Ellie supervised.
And possibly was a bit of a hindrance to the process.
She was very excited to "jump" on when it was put together - kinda tough to make it go when your feet don't touch the ground though.
Speaking of excited, she was sooo excited the next morning at approximately 6:00 a.m. that she couldn't wait to get pants on before checking out the new ride!
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