January 3, 2011

Emma - 6 Months Old!

Emma turned 6 months old on Christmas Day - my how time flies!

Today she had her 6 month doctor visit, including shots :(

Here are her current stats versus her 4 month ones:

Height: 24 1/2 inches (50th percentile) and 26 inches (ummm 63rd percentile)
Head circumference: 16 (50th percentile) and 16 1/2 (30th percentile)
And the biggie: Weight: 11 pounds 14 ounces (25th percentile) and 14 pounds 16 ounces - wait a second, that can't be correct (although that's what the paper is telling me) because if I recall correctly there are 16 ounces in a pound...anyway I saw the scale it was 14 something.  That is in the 25th percentile.

So we have been using the same office that Ellie has gone to since she was born.  Soon after Emma was born our wonderful pediatrician, Dr. Flagel, left us for the sun and sand of Florida.  We now have some goofy, overweight guy that is a slob and now instead of our nice, cute, put-together nurse we have the female version of our doctor. Jeff and I just made faces at each other throughout the appointment today.  What. A. Bummer.

And since we can't have a post without a photo I'll leave you with a few from Emma's one month photo shoot which have yet to make it to blogland...

Emma sleeping.
Ellie and Emma.
The family.
Emma and daddy.
And one of Ellie and her daddy.