October 28, 2009


I'm starting to see a trend with Ellie and sticking her tongue out - of course I couldn't find as many pictures with her doing it as I recall having but here are a few.  Some of these are repeats from previous posts and some are hard to see...

October 26, 2009

Well this was quite a weekend for little Ellie - she moved from her very first home to an apartment and also got her first bed - a new crib!!!  She really enjoyed playing in it but didn't have that great of a first night's sleep in it.  She probably isn't used to all the padding and the extra room to move around. Sorry about the quality, still using the camera phone for blog pictures.
  Here are the first pictures:

October 22, 2009

Poncho Time!

Ya gotta love a girl that can pull off a poncho - well maybe Ellie wasn't thrilled with it but she acted the part for me.  It really looked a lot better when she was standing and it didn't take on the shape of a tent.  Besides that, she was way too busy playing with the string on her telephone to care about her sweater.  And don't worry, I took it off when she got to "school" - it could've turned into a hazard.

October 21, 2009

Bundled Up...

So today I went a little over board in making sure Ellie was warm - she just looked at me like I was nuts when we went outside dressed for the cold weather only to find out it was actually kinda warm...

October 7, 2009

Today is Ellie's first time wearing jeans - she was very excited about it - she also looked darn cute.  I snapped a few pictures with my cell phone, they aren't great but do show her excitment. 

They have little flowers on the leg, also on the back pocket which I didn't get a picture of - might be weird to post a picture of my baby's rear.

Also another new trick she picked up last week - clapping!